I think I understand NFTs

April 20, 2022

Do you remember your first brush with everyday technology?

The first computer I met face-to-face was the BBC Micro, primary school, 1984.

I was largely unimpressed and managed to avoid any further interaction with anything digital until my final year of university, when I reluctantly sat in front of one and dutifully entered my first command:

"Copy and paste".

This now seems significant.

Because it explains NFTs (thanks to a friend’s recent description). Computers introduced the idea of duplication, copying and pasting anything and everything into infinity. The end of anything original.

Which poses a problem: how do you create something of value in the online world?

Artificial scarcity.

Real scarcity is a driver of value. A genuine Rembrandt is scarce because there’s only one. Consumer attention is scarce because there are only so many hours in a day – it’s said that Netflix’s only competitor is the human need to sleep. Until we grow spare eyeballs, I guess.

We have a deep psychological need to have something others don’t, like a Chanel handbag or a Tesla 😉. It’s a form of status signalling. But at least with those things you get something physical.

How can you show off your William Shatner photographs, or the Afghan coat John Lennon wore in the film Magical Mystery Tour with an NFT?

That’s the part I don’t understand. Although I guess you don’t have to worry about moths ravaging your asset.

Simple hack

Like what you are reading? Hit CTRL + D to save a web page to your bookmarks. Or CMD + D on a Mac.

Close shave

The average person spends 3,000 hours of their life shaving, but do you know how shaving came to be? This infographic looks at its history, from ancient times to the present day.

Rocket man

The Rocky Rocket chair by Circu is an interactive reading nook for children, with a built-in app-controlled light and speakers. Standard finishes include velvet flocking and gold leaf.

Believe the hype

Hyperautomation, the concept of automating everything possible within an organisation using artificial intelligence, robotic process automation (RPA) and other technologies, is a rapidly trending topic. The market is expected to reach $2.2bn by 2028. Deloitte says if this growth trend continues, RPA will approach ‘near universal adoption’ within the next 5 years.

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Faith Liversedge writing on her laptop