Financial services marketing that's memorable, not mundane.

I work with platforms, providers and established financial planning firms to deliver communications that lead to profitable relationships.

Faith Liversedge

Let's transform how you communicate.


I specialise in distilling complex topics into clear, compelling narratives.


With a detailed understanding of the financial services landscape, I can navigate market complexities with ease.


I’m a flexible resource, saving you permanent head count.


My expertise covers everything from strategy to content and campaigns.

Gillian Hepburn, Benchmark

From experience, Faith <span class="u-italic-highlight" style="color:#f5491a">listens to the customer,</span> delivers proposals and executes these on time, to specification and within budget!

Gillian Hepburn, Benchmark
Gillian Hepburn, Benchmark
Stephen Wynne-Jones, Nucleus

Faith provides the market knowledge, wordcraft and creative flair that we need to <span class="u-italic-highlight" style="color:#f5491a"> make our brand and communications sing</span>. She’s an extension of our team, and simply put, we’d be lost without her.

Stephen Wynne-Jones, Nucleus
Stephen Wynne-Jones, Nucleus
Lee Robertson, Octo

Faith has built an <span class="u-italic-highlight" style="color:#f5491a">extraordinary knowledge of what works</span> for, and by, financial advisers. Being a gifted storyteller and writer she never fails to bring a refreshing, contemporary take on what could, in other hands, be dense and unengaging.

Lee Robertson, Octo
Lee Robertson, Octo
David Ferguson, Nucleus

I've always loved Faith's work - always creative and consistently <span class="u-italic-highlight" style="color:#f5491a">strikes the balance between impact and the unconventional</span>. Faith's a super star and it's been a huge privilege to work alongside her.

David Ferguson, Nucleus
David Ferguson, Nucleus
Andy Hart, Humans Under Management

Faith's awesome. She's helped me with various projects over the years. She's <span class="u-italic-highlight" style="color:#f5491a">brilliant at story,</span> simplifying, and getting things done.

Andy Hart, Humans Under Management
Andy Hart, Humans Under Management
Michelle Hoskin, Standards International

Faith is a very special and rare find! She is unassumingly awesome with such a lovely manner about her. She's professional to the core , and goodness, <span class="u-italic-highlight" style="color:#f5491a">this girl knows her stuff!</span> If you get an opportunity to work with her, enjoy her creative fizz!

Michelle Hoskin, Standards International
Michelle Hoskin, Standards International
Melissa Kidd, Motem

Faith is a highly accomplished communicator, marketer and writer. Not only that, she's very knowledgeable about the financial services industry and <span class="u-italic-highlight" style="color:#f5491a"><span class="u-italic-highlight" style="color:#f5491a">thoroughly brilliant</span> to work with.

Melissa Kidd, Motem
Melissa Kidd, Motem

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Faith Liversedge writing on her laptop