Financial marketing that connects on a human level

Content with pizzazz.

Faith Liversedge leading a workshop

Workshops and consulting

Topics: Storytelling, brand development, tone of voice.

The brands that stand out are those with a story to tell. Has yours lost its way? Let's get you back on track. Through collaborative sessions and dynamic exercises, I’ll guide your team through a journey of discovery that gets to the heart of the value you provide. Whether you're looking to establish a new brand identity or re-energise an existing one, your team will leave with actionable insights, a clear message, and the tools to communicate your value effectively.

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Faith Liversedge

Strategic planning

Topics: Brand positioning, campaign development, content planning, client retention.

A good marketing strategy is the backbone of sustainable growth. I'll collaborate with you to develop campaigns that tease out the benefits of your service and that speak directly to your audience. I'll make sure each message aligns with your objectives, whether that be client retention, cross selling or lead generation.

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Content creation

Topics: White papers, blog articles, email marketing, social media

From white papers that delve deep into industry insights, to dynamic blog articles that blend informative content with compelling storytelling, to automated email sequences designed to deliver tailored messaging to users at key stages of the journey, I specialise in crafting narratives to suit every channel.

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