It's all the rage.
As if we didn’t know, the British are great at queuing. The queue to see the Queen lying in state became a tourist attraction in itself. Why do we love a queue?
And to Evolution 2022, the Verve Group’s smash hit half-day event, designed to explore how we can evolve financial services and shift (shove) it further towards the present day.
Have you heard of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis? It says that the language you speak influences the way you think.
Where were you when Elvis died? asked Lester Bangs’s famous obituary in August 1977. Where were you when you heard of the Queen’s passing? Is a less interesting question.
How do you get people to do what you want them to? It’s the hardest thing. Sign this form, book your next review meeting, read my latest post. Perhaps they’ve just got better things to do…
The Queen has eaten jam sandwiches every day since she was a toddler, according to her former private chef. And she seems happy enough.
Welcome to a dystopian view of the future of work, where invisible toil - thinking, problem solving and reading - doesn't get a look in.
Comedian Robin Grainger was feeling deflated, but not undeterred, when he found out he’d only sold one ticket to his Edinburgh fringe show. Instead of giving up, he gave it his all.
It felt bigger than the build-up to Who Shot JR? But the publication of the Consumer Duty’s final guidance is here.
While everyone else is on holiday, let’s do some loosely financial-planning-related bran teasers instead.
A winky face might seem like a suitable adjunct to a jokey statement, but not to everyone.
One endlessly hot summer as a university student I went to the south of France with school friend.
I visited Harrogate this weekend and sampled a not unpleasant version of what life might be like in retirement.
You wait for an article on longevity to come along and, like buses, three come along at once.
I can understand why baristas in Starbucks speak to you like a robot. It makes the queue go down quicker if they can rattle of simple questions that everyone and their dog can give formulaic answers to.
Google, the sewing machine and The Terminator all have one thing in common: they were all inspired by dreams.